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Save the World #2

"The Home of Ana and Tinko" is part (#2) of the ungoing SAVE THE WORLD series initiated by Dutch artist TINKEBELL. The Home of Ana and Tinko has been produced by Bouadi Art Productions.

  • SAVE THE WORLD #2 - The home of Ana and Tinko in Guinea-Bissau
    (March 27, 2011. Mediamatic, Vijzelstraat 72, Amsterdam, NL)

    Save The World consists of twelve world saving interventions across the globe, which will take place over the course of two years. During these interventions Dutch artist TINKEBELL. shows what happens when we force our (Dutch) view of the world on other cultures. The series questions the relationship between the West and the rest while problematizing the nature of today's (developmental) aid.

    During the intervention Save the World #2: The Home of Ana and Tino in Guinea-Bissau TINKEBELL. travelled to Guinea Bissau to "save" a local family from their "interior-situation." Appalled by the interior situation she encountered in the Guinea Bissauan village earlier, she now aimed to bring the family up to the Western standard of living by transporting two complete IKEA showrooms to Guinea Bissau and installing these in the family home of Ana and Tinko.

    Other interventions of the Save the World series include the saving of a streetdog in Gambia and saving 69 turtles in Shanghai as well as painting an entire neighbourhood in Rimac, Lima bright pink.

    The project was filmed by Firma Caris and supported by Mediamatic.

    © 2012, Bouadi Art Productions